Global Brand Protection: Understanding the International Trademark Registration Process

Want to grow your business worldwide? It is important to register your brand internationally to establish it in many countries. In this article, we are helping you to learn all about international trademark registration including how to do it, what document you need, the advantages, and how much it costs.

Understanding International Trademark Registration

Before 1996, trademark registration usually covers some areas, so you need to apply separately for each country. But since 1996, the Madrid Protocol has made it easier. Now you can use one application to protect your trademark in many countries at once.

Process of International Trademark Registration

Step 1: Apply Through the National Trademark Office

First, you have to submit your application to your country’s trademark office. Once they approve it, they will send it to the World Intellectual Property Organization(WIPO).

Step 2: WIPO Review

WIPO checks your application for mistakes. If it’s good to go, they publish your mark in the WIPO Gazette of International Marks and add it to the International Register.

Step 3: Review by National Offices

After WIPO, Intellectual Property (IP) Offices in relevant countries review your application. They decide whether to protect your mark. If they say yes, your mark gets registered in those countries.

Step 4: Local Process

National offices might publish your application in their publications for people to see before finalizing registration.

Step 5: Possible Issues

National offices have time to point out any problems with your application. If everything’s okay after that time, your mark will be registered.

Documents Required for International Trademark Registration

For an international trademark application under the Madrid Protocol, you’ll need:

  • International Trademark Registration form
  • Power of attorney
  • Handling fee payment
  • International designation fee payable to WIPO

Benefits of International Trademark Registration

  • Defend your trademark from being copied around the world, so you can take legal action if needed.
  • Registering your trademark helps your business grow by making it more valuable and giving you chances to expand or let others use it for a fee.
  • Make your products or services easily recognizable everywhere, so people know it’s yours.
  • You can easily update or keep your trademark registered every 10 years.
  • Keep your brand safe and stop others from copying or using it wrongly in other countries.

Difference Between Direct Filing and Madrid Protocol

Direct FilingMadrid Protocol
Each country allows direct trademark registrationOne application covers multiple countries
Different rules and processes vary by countryStreamlined process with one set of rules
Fees vary based on countries’ currenciesFees paid in one currency, Swiss Franc (CHF), for all countries
Mark can be filed in the local language or EnglishMark can be filed in local language or English

International Trademark Registration Cost

The registration fees under the Madrid System cover application fees, additional fees for each country, and extra fees.

FAQ on Internation Trademark

What is an international trademark?

Trademark owners can register their trademarks in many places using one application through a system run by the WIPO International Bureau. This makes it easier to handle registrations across different places.

How do I apply for an international trademark?

The World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) enables trademark owners to file applications in over 100 countries using a single application. With one application and one initial payment, WIPO allows trademark registration across multiple territories.

Is the Indian trademark valid internationally?

If you’ve registered a trademark for your business in India, it’s important to know that it’s only valid within India. A trademark is granted specifically for a certain region, so it doesn’t apply elsewhere.

What are the benefits of international trademark registration?

When you file for an international trademark, it keeps your brand safe when you export or import goods. It stops fake products or unauthorized use. If someone violates it, you can take legal action to protect your brand’s name and reputation.

Is the trademark valid in every country?

Trademarks are given out country by country. So, if you register one in India, it doesn’t cover the whole world. Usually, you have to apply separately in each country where you want your trademark to be protected.

What is the difference between national and international trademarks?

For national registration, you must apply with the national or regional trademark office. As for international registration, it starts with filing a national application or registration. Then, you submit an international application to the World Intellectual Property Organization

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